Monday, January 21, 2013

10/16 3/6‏

SURPRISE!!!! Early email today!!! i´m shaking things up and emailing in the morning to see if i like it better. But yeah for this week! well to tell you the truth it was crazy!!! Started off with the waffle maker that i bought turned out to be a sandwhich maker! the box says waffle maker in every part of it but when i opened it up it was a grilled cheese maker! and i couldn´t take it back so i made sandwhiches for acouple days then one of the other missionaries bought it from me. so yeah i was super bummed about that! But it´s ok! i took the money and bought me some cereal instead! you guys know i like cereal alot more then anything! but yeah so other exciting things for this last week! was we had surprise interviews! well they weren´t really surprise interviews but we didn´t know about it! cause in our zone leader meeting we were told that our interviews with president were the 26th so we were planning on that and then the 15 we got told by the APs yeah your interviews are tomorrow incase you guys didn´t know! sooo we had to call everyone up and tell them about the interviews plus make up the agenda for it! plus get everything prepared! but we also had planned that same tuesday a companion exchange so me and my comp have never planned anything like that so it was just a super stress cause we´re both trying to figure out what we need to do and we weren´t even together so we got things over the phone and the morning of but found out it was one of the best interviews that they´ve seen! so i was pretty stoked about that! but yeah then also saturday we had two baptisms!!! woo!!! we baptized the two boys of our family! so now we´re only missin the dad and we have a complete family! so yeah i´m super stoked about that! but yeah we´ll see what happens! we also had an area conference where we watched by satelite Elder Zwik of the seventy and Elder Nelson from the 12 talked to the caribean about alot of stuff that the people here need! so i really hope the people here are taking notes of it! but we also watched it with President Rodriguez and his wife. but yeah other then that for this week we lost a few invesitgators but we also put a few more baptismal dates with people so we´re pretty stoked about that and stoked to see what happens! Me and my comp kinda got super stressed and drained so yesterday we were just gone! we both need this P-day! both this week is gonna be crazy too cause we have another baptism of Alexander and then our zone also has like 10 other baptisms and they´re not just in one area they´re all over the place! so we´re gonna have an interesting time trying to get all these interviews down! but we´re gonna get it! but yeah i´m thinking today in the afternoon i´m gonna get me some ice cream too to help calm down alittle more! :) but yeah everything else is going good! i´m feeling good! i´m loving the work and have a great time! i can´t believe i´m in the single didgits now! only 9 more months and i´m home! crazy crazy! time really does fly by in the mission and every second is worth it! i definitly am so glad i came out here! thanks for all of you guys that are helpin me in anyway to keep me out here! for sure haven´t forgotten about what you´re doing and i´m for sure making it so you´re not wasting your money! :) but i´m stoked to be hearing more and more about missionary work! i´ve noticed that lately everyone has been focusing on missionary work! General authorities and everyone are teaching it! so something important that we should be doing! but i´m super stoked to be a part of it! theres not anything better then helping people recieve the blessing that we have! i´m super stoked! :) hope all goes well this week over there! i love you guys so much!!! keep up the great work!!!
-Elder Carlson

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